31 October, 2010

CPU (general overview)

This is my third post, & 1st on Pc topic.  Yeah!   (^_^)'' 

Orait, as the title suggests, I'm going to share with you all about the CPU, that is central processing unit.  A cpu is one of the important component behind the science of building your own PC.   

A Cpu (central processing unit) mainly  the 'brain' of any computer regardless of type.   Every computer has a cpu.  Today, as what I know (based on Malaysian market) , only two main brand that compete, that are Intel, & AMD.   

To buy a cpu, there's are few thing that should come in mind***-------> one of it is the type of cpu.   Cpu's has a different sockets.  This also means each motherboard has its own specific socket type.  An AMD processor will not fit in a motherboard designed for an Intel processor & vice versa. What I know are Intel's latest Core i7's and i5's use a new socket, LGA 1366 or 1156. .    core i7 uses motherboard that support LGA 1366 sockets, meanwhile i5 uses LGA1156.  1156 means that cpu has 1156 pins & so on (more pins mean more power).   Overtime, CPU manufacturers release new processors which cannot fit in an older socket on the motherboard. In a case like this, you need to replace the motherboard and possibly other parts if it is a very old computer.
***This thing has a great relation with mobo (motherboard) which I'm going to share later on different post.   Thats all for cpu.

**I will keep updating on this topic.  Feel free to leave a comment.   I will try to answer.

See ya, 


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