19 November, 2010

I'm waiting for Sandy Bridge.

After a tired exam week , I finally got something to share..  yeah, its just personal thought about PC.  Thus, not classified under PC topic.

Ever heard of Sandy Bridge?  Sandy Bridge is the codename for the upcoming processor by Intel that uses newer 1155 pins socket that will succeedes Nehalem 1156 pins socket.   Poor, 1156 life only spans for 1 year.. Yeah, this is how Intel making money.   If we want to catch up with tech, then we need newer processor+mobo.

According to Intel, this Sandy Bridge will enter market on 1st quarter next year (I dont know either this statement means global market or malaysia will be a bit late) .   Hurmmmm,   :-l   Kinda bit of dilemma, coz early of next year, i got (have to) to spend rm1500 on dwnpayment for yamaha lagenda.  Yeah, for now, i need bike more than PC.  Gonna need bike to make money.

Thats mean I got to hold on my project on building my gaming rig.  Plus, my casing of choice, Cooler Master HAF912 didn't either available yet.   See ya.

Credit goes to http://www.anandtech.com/show/3922/intels-sandy-bridge-architecture-exposed